Stanton Park, Douglas County Oregon

This review of Stanton Park has been submitted by Pit Stops for Kids reader, Anne.

A regional park that is good for an hour’s respite from the car, the Stanton Park in Douglas County, Oregon has a day use area with a nice playground and big grassy area. It’s located on the banks of the Umpqua River in Canyonville, and includes a campground with immaculate toilets/showers. We were feeling frazzled and stopped (we thought) to use the restrooms but were lured into a hour of play with our frisbee and balls and on the playground. for more info, see the link to Stanton Park.

Distance from the interstate: Right off I-5.

Date last visited: March 2011

Admission fee: No admission fee for day use.


Directions: The park is located at 1540 Stanton Park Road, Canyonville, Oregon. It’s easy to spot right off I-5 (visible to it, in fact). Take Exit 101. You have to do a little dipsy-doodle as you come off the interstate but it is well marked–you follow the signs to Stanton Park.
